
Welcome to the OmniIndex Python API library documentation! This library provides a simple and easy-to-use Python interface for interacting with the OmniIndex API. With omniindex, you can quickly retrieve block schematics and perform various tasks related to the OmniIndex blockchain. With the OmniIndex suite of tools, data is protected with our patented 360° encryption, stored in hybrid-blockchains, and then made usable in your favorite collaboration, productivity, and analytics tools with no risk of exposure. Our patented FHE (Fully Homomorphic Encryption) means search and analytics can happen on the data while it is encrypted, and there is tiered access using two encryption keys with configurable access rights. In other words: Your data is secure and private at all times

Getting Started

To use the library, start by importing the OmniIndexClient and os class: assumes you have already set an environmental variable for your API key using your os. If you have not, you can set it using the following command:

For Linux and Mac OS

export OMNIINDEX_API_KEY=your_api_key

For Windows

setx OMNIINDEX_API_KEY your_api_key


import os
from omniindex import OmniIndexClient

Next, create an instance of the OmniIndexClient class with your API credentials and desired parameters: We strongly recommend you never use typed strings for your API credentials. Instead, use environment variables to store your API credentials and retrieve them using the os class. Refer to your OmniIndex API credentials for the following parameters which are required to create an instance of the OmniIndexClient class:

your_api_key = os.environ.get("OMNIINDEX_API_KEY")

client = OmniIndexClient(
    server="https://[your node server address]", # the OmniIndex API blockchain node
    api_key="your_api_key", # your OmniIndex API key
    unit_name="your_unit_name", # your unit name
    block_type="your_block_type", # your block type
    user="your_user" # your user

For more information on the available classes, methods, and their usage, refer For more information on the client object and elements refer to the OmniIndex Documentation..